As a result of the non-compliance condition of the Lake Hudsonia Dam, the Township of Rockaway has been directed by the NJDEP Division of Dam Safety that, in order to avoid being cited by the Division of Dam Safety, the Township is required to either reconstruct the dam or remove it.
The project engineers hired by the Township have recommended that the Hudsonia Dam should be removed due to the fact that the cost of reconstruction would far outweigh any benefits that may be gained by reconstructing the Lake Hudsonia Dam.
The plan is to remove a portion of the dam to restore the Hibernia Brook and the area to pre-dam conditions, which will allow Hibernia Brook to flow through naturally. According to the engineer, "sedimentation controls will be installed and maintained in accordance with Morris County and New Jersey State regulations. The design and construction process and sequence was developed to ensure sedimentation does not flow from the Lake Hudsonia site to Lake Telemark."
A more complete explanation of the design, processes, and potential impact on Lake Telemark will be discussed at the Public Forum with the NJDEP and Rockaway Township engineer at the Lake Telemark Clubhouse on April 21st, at 6:00 p.m. The addess of the Clubhouse is 38 Telemark Road, Rockaway, NJ 07866.
Reference material and documentation can be downloaded here: