Introducing the “Lake Partners Project”

Hi *|FNAME|*,

All of us on the Environmental Committee are so excited to share with you our education outreach program called, “The Lake Partners Project.”

What is this Lake Partners Project you ask?

Well simply, it is an effort to help educate the community and spread awareness about keeping our lake and surrounding land healthy through environmentally safe practices.

We will be reaching out to residents primarily through weekly newsletters to spread the word about how we all can help our lake.

The Lake Partners Project will also involve community education, volunteer events, workshops, fundraisers and more!

Who is a “Lake Partner"?

A lake partner is someone who cares about the health of the lake, the environment, and who does their very best to show they care through taking action and education. 

I hope that everyone in our community, and even in our whole watershed, can be a lake partner. If we all do our own little part it can add up in big ways!

How Can I become a lake partner?

If you care for and take interest in our lake, our environment, and do what you can to help, then you are already a lake partner!

However, if you are looking to take action in a more organized way, perhaps consider joining the LTCC Environmental Committee. We would love to have you stop by at one of our monthly meetings to find out more information!

If interested: email us at for more info regarding Environmental Committee meetings and events : )

All the best,
Sara, Environmental Officer
on behalf of the Lake Telemark Board of Directors