So far this summer we have eradicated the overgrowth of Eurasian Water Milfoil. This was done by using an aquatic herbicide called ProcellaCOR-EC. This herbicide is proven to be extremely safe, effective, and only targets Milfoil.
We only want to use herbicide if we absolutely have to, and the Milfoil was a perfect example of an appropriate targeted use of aquatic herbicide.
Taking a target approach when using aquatic herbicides is so important. This is because we do not want too many plants to be affected and die off at once. A lot of plants dying off at one time could cause a variety of problems within the ecosystem of the lake including: oxygen starvation, fish kills, loss of wildlife habitat and more.
While we do still see some problem areas in the lake such as an overgrowth of duckweed and water lilies, I like to look at those things as a messenger.
The duck weed and lilies are showing us the areas in our lake that need help. Those areas are shallow and do not have good water circulation. By seeing what plant life is growing in these areas, it helps us identify the issues, and then we can figure out what those areas need and the best ways to help it!
The swimming area and the south side of the lake are looking pretty great this year! I know some of the other areas are struggling a bit, but that is ok (remember they are messengers). We are taking steps, one project at a time to get the whole lake not only looking great, but truly restored to a natural state of health and balance.
Lake restoration takes time, but we are absolutely making progress and we will continue to do so! I appreciate so much the community's patience and positive outlook as we work towards our goals.
Below is our most current Lake Survey Report and Water Testing Results. All results are looking good for a lake this time of year in the middle of a hot summer with little rain!
As always, if you have any questions please let me know : )
LTCC Board Member
Environmental Committee
P.S. Join in our Lake Telemark Fishing Contest, all proceeds go towards helping our lake!
Find out more here: LTCC Fishing Contest Fundraiser