Hi Lake Telemark Residents,
I just wanted to take a moment to share some information about submerged aeration and how it can help our lake in so many ways, get excited!
Did you know, much of the issues we see in our lake such as shallow depth, muck, plant overgrowth and algae is caused by stagnant nutrient-dense water?
How do we fix stagnant nutrient-dense water you ask? With aeration, let's learn more!
I am just going to cut right to the good stuff...
Submerged diffused aeration systems provide an array of benefits such as:
Improve the natural decomposition of organic material (this means it helps rid the lake bottom of excess muck, less muck means added water depth and that is a great thing!)
Increase oxygen levels (aerated water= healthier water)
Creating a non-stagnant environment (moving water=clear water)
Impede the growth of algae and other aquatic plant overgrowth
Prevent fish kills...and more!
The #1 most effective thing that we can do to see the most beneficial improvements in our lake is to add a submerged aeration system.
The LTCC Environmental Club and Board members have consulted with the biologist at Solitude Lake Management and they recommend the following submerged aeration system for our specific lake:
Vertex Air 5XL2
Price: $7,996.00
This system would have 5 dual heads placed at specific locations around our lake, and would work together to effectively aerate the entire body of water for optimal benefits.
I know, I know $7,996.00 may seem like a lot. But we will continue to reap the benefits of this system for years and years to come!
Let me put it into perspective. In the past we have paid $5,000 for just 1 season of treating our lake with conventional herbicide.
While the cost of the aeration system is slightly more expensive up front, it will quickly pay for itself in saved chemical treatment cost year after year.
So far the Environmental club has raised $600 from our fishing contest, which was so much fun!
But we really need the community to rally together to raise the funds needed to help our lake in a big way with the aeration system.
The LTCC Environmental club is looking for volunteers to organize fundraising events towards this cause. If you are able to help in this way please reach out to Sara Scheller LTCC Environmental Committee Chair at club@laketelemark.org.
If you are unable to donate your time but would like to make a monetary donation towards our goal to raise the $7,996.00 please reach out to Sara Scheller LTCC Environmental Committee Chair at club@laketelemark.org.
Every little bit counts, and every penny raised will go directly towards the cost to add this aeration system to our lake.
The sooner we get aeration in, the better! In fact, October is the optimal time to instal submerged aeration systems.
There are over 400 households in Lake Telemark. If every single household donated just $20 we would reach our goal!
Added aeration to the lake will benefit us all!
It will help create and maintain clear, beautiful, and healthy water for recreation and wildlife habitat.
The lake is the heart of this special community that we all know, love, and call our home.
Your support to help us reach our goal will mean so much for the community, the environment, and generations to come.
Thank you,
Sara Scheller, Lake Telemark Environmental Committee
on behalf of the Lake Telemark Board of Directors
Questions? Please email LTCC Environmental Committee at club@laketelemark.org