In an ongoing effort to keep you apprised of legal issues affecting our community we are relaying a press release from the president of the New Jersey Coalition of Lake Associations regarding the Governor’s veto to a second challenge to the Planned Real Estate Development Full Disclosure Act.
Please read it carefully as it may help clear up some misconceptions that have filtered through the community about the need to keep this law intact.
There may be some that have been waiting to see the outcome of these challenges before paying their 2020 dues. We are asking that you pay those fees sooner than later. Your association NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT NOW, to maintain the lake and all the common properties for the benefit of the whole community.
As you know the COVID pandemic has affected all of us. If you are struggling with finances we want you to reach out to your association and get a hardship application, which is available online at
Stay safe, we hope to hear your questions or comments.
Sandy Rubolotta, Director
on behalf of the Lake Telemark Board of Directors