The first herbicide treatment for the lake will be applied tomorrow 5/21/2020.
The aquatic specialist from Solitude Lake Management will be here sometime in the afternoon. You may see him out on the lake in an airboat. I have requested that the herbicide be applied via injection under the water to reduce any risk of it spreading outside of the lake from cross winds.
We have decided to use an herbicide called ProcellaCOR-EC. This product is EPA approved and safe for use around wells and potable water sources.
Solitude Lake Management will be posting signs with information and any restrictions regarding the lake treatment.
You can read more about ProcellaCOR_EC here.
This first application will treat about 75% of the lake for overgrowth of Eurasion Water Milfoil. This plant makes up the vast majority of the aquatic plant overgrowth in our lake.
The Milfoil acts as a scaffolding for algae to grow on, we should also see a reduction in algae when the Milfoil is gone.
Curious why we cannot treat the whole lake at once?
We cannot treat the whole lake in one large application because we do not want to cause oxygen depletion in the water.
The issue with the use of herbicides is when too much vegetation is killed off at once. This can result in an oxygen depletion situation and subsequent harm to the fish and other wildlife that live in our lake. Herbicides must be used wisely in the environment to prevent adverse effects to the organisms that live in it.
Solitude Lake Management will be back again in 2 weeks to do a second treatment with the same product. I will be sure to continue to keep all residents informed on treatment dates and assessment results.
Looking forward to seeing Lake Telemark looking good!
Be well,
Sara Scheller
Environmental Club
LTCC Board Member